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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

043 - Scratching my head with their HATS

HATS stands for Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy Software using Formal Models and is an Integrated Project supported by the 7th Framework Programme of the EC within the FET (Future and Emerging Technologies) scheme, quoting from [1].

Since I have worked in a company with concurrency in a lifetime [2], and also touched the formal language Promela and verified with Spin [3] - and worked with CSP-based channel based concurrency for half a life [4] - HATS recently caugth my interest.

[8March2012: This note became unmanagable for me, so I have parked it for the time being. I'll apply for a refill of brains and maybe come back. Sorry]

[Lots of words here that I have removed and saved but perhaps may come back to. If you look at some of the references you may get an idea why I thought it difficult to extract concurrency related features. This is very comprehensive stuff!]


[2] -

[6] - - "HATS Deliverable D1.1A Report on the Core ABS Language and Methodology: Part A"

[7] - -" Deliverable D2.5- Verification of Behavioral Properties"

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Øyvind Teig

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